Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My One and Only Post on the Election


I’ve been relatively quiet on politics for the last year.  It’s over now.  There will be no sudden change to Socialism, Marxism, Communism or whatever the hell people were screaming about last week.  No one is losing gun rights (   God has not struck everyone down due to “the gays” or whatever.
Since the last four years were spent primarily trying to prove the President was unworthy (, how about everyone just stop being nasty towards each other and actually find a way to work TOGETHER?  There is absolutely no way this country can move forward as long as people still insist on a bunch of crap that is either only half true or completely untrue.
Think for a minute – way back in the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had a very handy way of controlling the masses and making sure they got everything their way.  Learning to read or write was restricted to only the aristocracy and the Church itself, leaving most of the people in Europe uneducated and ignorant.  Any information given to the masses came from the Church and the ruling class, so they pretty much just told people what they wanted – like the world was flat, and witches were in league with the Devil and were responsible for the evils of the world, and if you didn’t go to church and give money, you were going to hell.  The Church would make crap up just to scare the masses into behaving, because the last thing the Church wanted was calm, educated people thinking for themselves.
Personally, I don’t think it helps anyone to focus so hard on politics.  Most of that is beyond my reach or even my scope of concern (except when men think they need to tell me what to do with my body – that’s a big NO right there).  Rather than freaking out over something that MIGHT be true or over a bit of information that really has no bearing one way or the other (….he’s BLACK????  Yeah, I’m not stupid – a lot of it was about race), how about we try to find ways to work together and make things better for everyone?
Please don’t tell me we can’t.  There’s nothing stopping anyone from working towards a common goal.  We’ve externalized so much during this election because we were TOLD there were all these horrible things that MIGHT happen.  Um, I kinda don’t care.  It is completely pointless to rail against supposition.  If we keep expending all our energy against boogie men, we will never be able to pull together.  But then again, if we’re all scared of the dark, we become a lot easier to control.

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