Friday, September 16, 2011

The Occult and Being "PC"

oc·cult [uh-kuhlt, ok-uhlt] –adjective 1. of or pertaining to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies. 2. beyond the range of ordinary knowledge or understanding; mysterious. 3. secret; disclosed or communicated only to the initiated. 4. hidden from view

I like to consider myself a student of the occult, but it’s really hard to call something “occult” when you lay everything about it on the table. Or better yet, those things that some might offensive you don’t show to anyone, but you also stop doing them altogether. And that is exactly what I did.

Way back when I first decided to become an advocate for Pagans and Wiccans, I looked at some of our practices and considered how strange some of it must look to those that weren’t raised Pagan – much like some Christian practices look strange to me. I wanted the general public to understand we weren’t a threat to them, but there were a couple (or more) little things in there that I knew people might seize upon and make some crazy accusations. I’ve seen it happen before, with disastrous results. So as a whole, a lot of Pagans and Wiccans kind of became “PC Pagans.”

I know, sad, and a little bit of a sell-out.

Again and again, I would hear stories about how “weird” this person or that person was, and wow, I’m glad not all Pagans are like that, and gee, you all seem so normal. There’s been very little magical workings in full robes around a fire in the dark of night. And you know what? I really, really miss that.

Jut a few years ago, I started looking around at what we had created in our effort to educate and shed a little light on who and what we are. Maybe we shed a little too much light. Maybe it’s time to take a step back and reclaim the shadows. Wicca and Paganism were never meant to be all white light and rainbows and sunshine. There is darkness, death, even war. As we begin to move into the dark part of the year, I believe we should all take a step back and see how out of balance we truly are.

I have a theory – we’ve spent so much time and energy on being Glinda the Good that we’ve totally turned our backs on what it is that helps us realize that which is good. Because of this, weird and strange energies have come into our community and created it’s own form of chaos and discontent. I’m not saying we need to become hate-mongers and start casting hexes on every ass that crosses our paths (tempting though it may be!). But welcome the shadows and the darkness. See them for what they are – a part of the Wheel. And while I still believe in working for tolerance among the general public, I feel very strongly that we need to reclaim the occult within our spirituality.

Samhain is coming…..this is a great time to renew and reconnect.

Oh, and just an fyi – I really dislike that whole “being politically correct” thing.

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